Client-Centered Training & Consulting

The HFACS consulting and training services provided by HFACS are designed to provide you and your team with everything you need to reduce human error accidents and mistakes in your company. We offer several client-centered options for on-site training. These courses have been modified with safety and quality in mind and represent more than a decade of training experience with the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) and the Human Factors Intervention matriX (HFIX).

Better yet, certified HFACS/HFIX instructors who have been personally trained by the original creators of our systems, Dr. Wiegmann and Dr. Shappell, teach all of our courses and provide all of the HFAC consulting you require. Take a look below at just some of the on-site course options available to you from our human factors training organization.

Client-Centered Training

We offer several client-centered options for on-site training. These courses have been designed with the safety and quality professional in mind, and represent over 20 years of experience training the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), and the Human Factors Intervention Matrix (HFIX). All courses are taught by certified HFACS/HFIX instructors who have been personally trained by the original creators of HFACS and HFIX (Drs. Wiegmann and Shappell). Whether you have a handful or hundreds of people to train, we offer a variety of high quality training options to suit your needs. Contact us for more information.


  • Half-Day Awareness HFACS/HFIX Training – The goal of this workshop is to provide management and safety leadership with an appreciation and awareness of the HFACS/HFIX methodologies. Handouts of the material will be provided (4 hours of instruction).
  • One-Day HFACS/HFIX Fundamentals Workshop – Upon completion of this workshop, attendees with have a basic understanding of the foundations of the HFACS and HFIX systems and the fundamental knowledge of the key components of each tool. However, proficiency for applying HFACS and HFIX is not the goal of this course. Textbooks and workbooks will be provided (8 hours of instruction)
  • Two-Day HFACS/HFIX Core Workshop – Upon completion of this workshop, attendees with have the fundamental skills needed to begin applying HFACS/HFIX to incidents that occur during the daily operations in the field. Participants will also acquire knowledge about how HFACS and HFIX can be applied to proactive risk assessment, incident/near-miss reporting, gap analysis, and change management. Textbooks and workbooks will be provided and attendees will receive a certification of course completion (16 hours of instruction).

Advanced Analytics

Most organizations have mountains of historical data related to prior adverse events. This data may be contained within an electronic database or in file drawers full of prior event reports. In either case, much of this data goes unused either because a system for analyzing it is unavailable or it is viewed as inherently uninformative. However, neither is necessarily true. HFACS can be effectively utilized, post hoc, to analyze almost any existing dataset to identify the major human factors issues associated with your adverse events. This can be accomplished even if HFACS was not used to collect the original data!

Our team of trained data specialists can perform an in-depth analysis of your event data using our HFACS analytics process to uncover previously unseen patterns and help identify the systemic factors that drive poor outcomes.

Why wait until the next event happens? Let us help you learn from the events that have already occurred, so that advances in quality, safety, and efficiency can start happening today. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


During the process of implementing HFACS, organizational barriers may arise. This is not surprising, because HFACS is more than just a tool for analyzing adverse events. In essence, HFACS represents a paradigm shift, in terms of how many organizations approach safety and process improvement. Specifically, HFACS requires organizations to reframe their viewpoint regarding the causes of errors and types of corrective actions needed to improve performance. In other words, HFACS requires a fundamental cultural change. Therefore, as with most organizational cultural issues, challenges to change may emerge.

At HFACS Inc., we have extensive experience helping organizations navigate and successfully overcome such challenges. Through our implementation coaching services, we can help ensure that your adoption of HFACS is effective and sustainable. Together, we can ensure that HFACS can overcome existing organizational barriers and ultimately foster the cultural change you’re seeking to transform quality, safety, and efficiency within your organization. Contact us to learn more about how we can partner with you to help integrate HFACS into your organization.

HFACS Implementation Services Include:

  • Providing HFACS/HFIX training tailored to your organization
  • Guiding in-depth HFACS analysis of current/archived adverse events
  • Assisting in the identification of key problem areas
  • Facilitating the generation of HFIX solutions
  • Supporting intervention development, implementation and evaluation
  • Assisting in the development of HFACS/HFIX policies and procedures
  • Guiding the development of HFACS/HFIX support tools
  • Fostering a robust and sustainable HFACS-RCA program

Case-Specific Consultation

Sometimes organizations need expert advice about a particular case or desire to have someone from outside their organization take an objective look at the factors associated with an adverse event. Others may just want some guidance on how to interpret information they have collected or help in identifying potential gaps in their investigation.

Both Drs. Wiegmann and Shappell have over 20 years of accident analysis and investigation experience. Both are very willing to provide their time and expertise to help your organization improve safety. Whether or not you use our HFACS, Inc. products and services, Drs. Wiegmann and Shappell are available to assist you in any way they can. Feel free to contact us to learn more.